ألف باء مدخل إلى الحروف العربية وأصواتها

معلومات الملف

This Arabic language textbook program uses a communicative, proficiency-oriented approach with fully integrated audio-visual media to teach modern Arabic as a living language. Intended primarily for college and graduate students but accessible enough for anyone interested in learning modern Arabic, the series focuses on developing skills in standard Arabic and gradually introducing students to the most widely spoken dialect in the Arabic-speaking world.Newly packaged with a set of three audio CDs, Alif Baa, Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds is the first part of the Al-Kitaab language program.In teaching the sounds and letters of Arabic, Alif Baa provides a variety of exercises aimed at developing all skills: reading, listening, writing, speaking, and cultural understanding.Along with an English-Arabic glossary, Alif Baa lays the groundwork for the rest of the Al-Kitaab language program.

الملفات المرفقة

اذا واجهت صعوبة في تحميل الملف من الرابط الأول الرجاء الضغط على الرابط الثاني