Gateway to Arabic Book 2

معلومات الملف

  • التصنيف
  • تحميل 970
  • عدد الملفات 4
  • تاريخ الإنشاء 29 أبريل، 2019
  • آخر تحديث 29 أبريل، 2019

Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises. Gateway to Arabic Book Two builds on the basic reading and writing skills acquired in Book One (Starter Book). With a vocabulary of over 350 words and easy-to-follow explanations, supported by 250 illustrations, Book Two provides learners with a basic knowledge of Arabic grammar, enabling them to take their first steps in understanding and using non-verbal sentences.

الملفات المرفقة

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GateWay to Arabic Book 2.pdfتحميل
Book 2.1 Track 8.mp3تحميل
الكتاب 2.zipتحميل